Describe a key feature that sets you apart, solves a problem, or adds value to your users.

Describe a key feature that sets you apart, solves a problem, or adds value to your users.

Describe a key feature that sets you apart, solves a problem, or adds value to your users.

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About the author

Originally a chemical engineer, I’m pretty dangerous these days in an oil refinery! But I have spent the past 40 years working in a variety of roles – teacher, researcher, consultant, entrepreneur – around the field of innovation , creativity and entrepreneurship. I’m an Emeritus Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter and I also have visiting appointments at the University of Stavanger, Norway and the Friedrich Alexander University in Germany. I’ve acted as advisor to various national governments, to international bodies including the United Nations, The World Bank and the OECD and to a wide range of companies. And I’ve done a fair bit of writing - over 45 books and counting. The most recent include 'Innovation and entrepreneurship' (2024, now in its 4th edition) 'Managing innovation' (2024) now in its 8th edition, (both published by John Wiley and Sons) and 'The scaling value playbook' (2024), published by De Gruyter You can find more and follow my blog at

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